In the Japanese cuisine Sushi was originally made with rice and fermented fish. Today there are many kinds of sushi and ways forward and their consumption has been widely accepted in most of the world despite carrying seafood. One version of sushi in Puerto Rico is strictly vegetarian and vegetables are used fresh and natural. They are ideal for a large tray and divide to bring lunch to work, as appetizers or family celebrations or save for another day. The advantage of vegetarian sushi is that it takes a lot out of the refrigerator having no fish. They are delicious and perfect for keeping your weight or diet. It is very economical because the sushi to be an exotic dish is extremely expensive.
This is a much modified recipe of the famous Japanese Takoyaki. Taco That means octopus and octopus balls are called. But these interludes we adapted the original recipe vegetarian Japanese style, keeping their shape and cooked on the grill used in Japanese original. One of the things you use is flour pancakes 8 grains to supplement with cornmeal. For Takoyaki grill can be found on the Internet "takoyaki grill. " Some are electric, but to come from Japan or voltage change makes it more sensitive to burn or be damaged if the volt amperage does not fit him. It's a fantastic recipe.
This is a much modified recipe of the famous Japanese Takoyaki. Taco That means octopus and octopus balls are called. But these interludes we adapted the original recipe vegetarian Japanese style, keeping their shape and cooked on the grill used in Japanese original. One of the things you use is flour pancakes 8 grains to supplement with cornmeal. For Takoyaki grill can be found on the Internet "takoyaki grill. " Some are electric, but to come from Japan or voltage change makes it more sensitive to burn or be damaged if the volt amperage does not fit him. It's a fantastic recipe.
This rich combination with oriental touch popular in Japan offers another way to continue to enjoy vegetables and noodles with exotic flavors. This recipe is recommended electric fryer. One of the things used are: coconut milk, roasted peanuts, wheat flour, brown sugar, baking powder, among others. This recipe is very good and known in Puerto Rico.
Some differents Japanese restaurants in Puerto Rico
- Cherry Blossom (San Juan)
- Wasabi Sushi Bar (San Juan)
- Zen Garden Restaurant (Dorado)
- Wing Brothers Teppanyaki Japanese Restaurant (Fajardo)